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Results for "Sarah York"
Notre Musique Jean-Luc Godard's audacious meditation on war, violence, terrorism, victims, and the truth that lies in the play of opposites.
The Family Stone A funny and emotionally resonant family drama about the value of seeing everyone as a work in progress.
Bikini Moon A meandering mockumentary with flights of fantasy and fierce social critique.
Regarding Henry A discussion guide to the movie "Regarding Henry." Recommended for people interested in finding spirituality at the movies. A spiritual emergency forces an aggressive, successful, and amoral New York …
12 Years a Slave A sobering drama about racism and slavery that will sear your soul and set you thinking about the shadow side of American history.
The Fifth Estate Drama about the controversial information freedom fighter made worth seeing by Benedict Cumberbach's tour de force performance.
Please Give A tremendous film about guilt as the guardian of our goodness and a sign of our yearning to belong to the larger world.